Code of Conduct

We've expanded and adjusted our standard Code of Conduct to better fit our online meetups and events.

By entering an online event, you agree to this Code of Conduct

  • Use your real identity: In order to create an open, honest and transparent community, you must use your real name on Zoom and Slack. We also encourage you to upload a picture of yourself to your profile!
  • Please keep all breakout and chat discussions confidential: While posting about the event on social media is encouraged, the content of small group video breakouts and chats is private.
  • Do not use malicious or offensive speech, whether out loud or by chat.

GOTO is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference venue, including talks. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference without a refund at the discretion of the conference organizers.

Any form of written, social media or verbal communication that can be offensive or harassing to any attendee, speaker or staff is not allowed at GOTO. Please inform a GOTO staff member if you feel a violation has taken place and the conference leadership team will address the situation.

Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion; sexual images in public spaces; deliberate intimidation; stalking; following; harassing photography or recording; sustained disruption of talks or other events; inappropriate physical contact; and unwelcome sexual attention. Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.

Exhibitors in the expo hall, sponsor or vendor booths (online or otherwise), or similar activities are also subject to the anti-harassment policy. In particular, exhibitors should not use sexualized images, activities or other material. Booth staff (including volunteers) should not use sexualized clothing/uniforms/costumes, or otherwise create a sexualized environment.

If a participant engages in harassing behavior, the conference organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or expulsion from the conference with no refund. If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed or have any other concerns, please contact a member of conference staff immediately. Conference staff can be identified by t-shirts.

We expect participants to follow these rules on all conference platforms and conference-related social events.


What to do when you witness a Code of Conduct violation?

All reports of incidents are confidential! We will not publish the name of the reporter in any way.

Speak up

We do not want you to get into any more of an uncomfortable position than you may already be in, so you do not need to interact with the person(s) who presumably violated the Code of Conduct.

Please let someone of the organizing team know

In every session, you will find one room host (the person introducing the speakers) and at least one crew member. All people who are working on GOTO are aware of the Code of Conduct.

Approach them and let them know. In most cases they will connect you to one of the main organizers so we can write an incident report.

Important questions:

Who? Could you see the names of the people involved? Was it a speaker, attendee, service person, organizer, crew?

Where? In which room or channel?

When? The approximate time of the behavior.


  • What were the circumstances that led to the incident?
  • Verbal violation ("bad jokes," discrediting, ...)
  • Visual violation (slide in the talk, T-Shirt with an inappropriate print...)
  • Inappropriate physical interaction (violence of any kind)

Report a Violation

Please reach out to [email protected].

The Purpose of the Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct does not exist because we expect to deal with any such problems.

On the contrary, it exists to help give attendees confidence that they are attending an event where high standards of behavior are the norm, where everyone is aware of those standards, and that something will be done should it fall short.

By signaling inclusivity and diversity as values we expect the conference to uphold, the Code of Conduct helps guarantee that the event will indeed be inclusive and embrace diversity.